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Self Help-Friendliness in healthcare – together for Self Care and Patient Orientation.

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Selbsthilfe – Patientenorientierung im Gesundheitswesen


The self help center in Neukölln is a member of the Berlin Network of Self Help Friendliness in Healthcare and Patient Orientation (SPiG). Aim of the network ist to intensify the subject of self help friendliness in institutions of healthcare

The network

• Informs self help groups about the possibilities of cooperation with institutions of healthcare
• Consults employees in hospitals, medical practices and social medical departments about offers of self help
• Establishes consistant links between institutions of healthcare and self help groups
There should be consistent cooperations between active self help and professionals of the health sector. All sides profit through these cooperations – institutions, self help and, most of all, the patients as well as their relatives
• Doctors and caregivers expand their actions through experientiel knowledge of self help
• Self help groups that are willing to cooperate will be actively supported
• Quality creterias for self help friendliness will be developed


 Petra Meifert

 030/ 605 66 00

Di 10.00 Uhr – 13.00 Uhr
Do 13.00 – 17.00 Uhr